Portal Features

Virtual Portal

OnAir by EventsAir is a cloud-based secure streaming solution, with nothing to download! A link to the portal along with an individual login will be sent to you to access the meeting.

The portal should be opened using Google Chrome for the best user experience and ability to access all features.

Using the Program Timeline

The OnAIR portal will display in your browsers time zone. To edit your time zone click ‘My Settings’ located at the top right-hand side of the Portal.

Sessions that are happening each day are listed in the program timeline. 

You can click on any of the items in the program timeline to view additional information and join the session.

Joining a Live Session

When joining a session from the Program Timeline, click on the preview or join button which will take you into the session.  Once the session starts, you will see a video window appear.  You can also extend the view to a full window view.

NOTE: if you are a virtual speaker you will see a speakers view for the session you are speaking in. To watch the session, you can open the 'attendees view' in the right hand menu. 

Make sure you have set your audio correctly - you can check this by clicking on your profile in the top right-hand corner of the portal.

Please click on the Live Support icon located at the top right-hand side of the OnAIR Portal (red headset icon) for additional assistance.

Visiting the Sponsors & Exhibitors

You can visit our Sponsors & Exhibitors anytime - view the virtual exhibition booths, browse uploaded materials, including brochures, links and videos or connect with them via the Meeting Hub.  

Poster & Abstracts Gallery

This section of the portal contains Posters and Abstracts . You can communicate with authors via the 'Q&A' Chat box associated with each poster.

Click on the poster in the Gallery to find out more information. You can also connect with the author via chat, message or video via the Meeting Hub.

Using Live Q&A

Each live streamed session will be running Live Q&A so you can submit questions to the speakers. Use the Live Q&A tab on the right-hand side of the session page to submit your questions.

Using the Meeting Hub

The Meeting Hub allows you to connect and communicate with other delegates, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. 

You can engage in live chat, calls, and send messages, and when you 'connect', you can share contact details, schedule meetings, and make notes. The contact details and your notes can be exported via the Export Tool next to your Profile button at the top right.

To export notes, click on the Export icon in the top right-hand corner and export to your email!

NOTE: You cannot see yourself in the Meeting Hub so do not be alarmed if you are not visible.  All delegates are listed here, but how you are listed is determined on your privacy settings (see your profile for this)


Conference Secretariat

AACB Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 7336, Alexandria NSW 2015
P: (61) 2 9660 6600
       E: conference@aacb.asn.au