Data Consent / Privacy Policy

Why we ask for your consent

We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data you provide us for this event. The following statements describe what we are doing with your data so you are fully informed prior to you submitting your personal information for event registration.

Why are we processing your personal data?

Your data is collected to facilitate your interest and/or registration for this event.

Information collected in respect of proposed participation in any aspect of the Annual Scientific Meeting will be only used for the purposes of planning and conduct of the meeting, and facilitating your event registration (for example, providing dietary requirements to venues, providing accommodation booking details to hotels) and may also be provided to the organising body for future associated events.

Participants will be asked to consent to providing data before they submit it.

Logistical third party suppliers

Participant’s data may be shared with other logistical organisations and third parties in order to deliver the event. Only data relevant to their specific role will be made available to them. 

How long do we store personal information

Records containing personal information will be held for up to two years from the date of your most recent contact, after which time they will be deleted, destroyed or de-identified.

Security & Storage of personal data

  • We store personal information electronically, and have secure recordkeeping systems. We take all reasonable steps to protect personal information from unauthorised use, access, disclosure and alteration.
  • IT protection systems and internal procedures are also utilised to protect the personal information held by us.
  • We may store electronic information on remote servers or in the cloud directly or through contracted agencies (such as EventsAir) – all information is securely stored in Australia with backups securely stored in the United States of America and encrypted before transfer back to Australia).
  • We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, which are the industry standard, for encrypting personal information collected via the event website.
  • We do not store credit or debit card information. We use a third party provider, which provides a secure online payment gateway solution for credit card and direct debit processing of event payments.
  • Personal data is maintained under strict security and is only to be accessed internally by associated staff who require access as part of their role or to complete a task.

The right to withdraw consent:

You retain the right to withdraw consent to use your personal data at any time.

Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of this event will incur a full event cancellation and cancellation fees as noted in your initial registration. Please contact us at with any inquiries you may have.


Any concerns about the handling of personal information should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer by telephone (02) 9669 6600 or email


Conference Secretariat

AACB Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 7336, Alexandria NSW 2015
P: (61) 2 9660 6600