Conference Registration Fees & Inclusions

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and include 10% GST.  


 *Note: Sponsors/Exhibitors - please register here.

** Just announced  -Early Bird prices will stay open for Virtual Registrations!  Register today! **

Use this link for individual or single virtual registration, including single virtual workplace registration. 

Use this link to register multiple virtual registrations from the same organisation, and receive one invoice.

Conference Registration Fees

View SIG Fees here.

In-Person Full Registration                 Early Bird to 30 June 2024        Standard from 1 July 2024
HGSA Member$845.00$945.00
Non Member$1045.00$1145.00
Workplace Shared^$1085.00$1185.00
Sponsor/Exhibitor (additional)$530.00$530.00

In-Person Day Registration               

HGSA Member$345.00                            $375.00                             
Non Member$405.00$435.00
Sponsor/Exhibitor        $220.00$220.00

Social Program
Welcome Reception tickets$80.00                   
Conference Gala Dinner tickets$150.00

Virtual Registration

Notes: Plenary Sessions will be live streamed*. All other sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post conference. There is no day option available for virtual registration.  *Subject to virtual numbers. If not live streamed these will be recorded.   
HGSA Member$590.00                     $690.00                   
Non Member$730.00$830.00
^^Workplace Shared$760.00$860.00

  • Additional Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration does not include the Conference Dinner.
  • Satchels will not be provided at this meeting. We encourage you to bring your own bag.
  • A printed program book will be available  - delegates have the option of a printed version or using the conference app.
  • *Student Registration: is open to HGSA Student members and Non-Member students enrolled in an undergraduate degree, course or diploma relevant to the field of Human Genetics, and have a total taxable income of less than $35,000 per annum. HGSA members who are enrolled in post-graduate full-time study in the field of Human Genetics are also eligible for the student registration rate. Please provide the same documentation as a Non-Member student. Non Member students will need to supply a copy of their student ID and letter confirming their enrolment. Please email to
  • ^Workplace Full In-Person Registration - This entitles an organisation to share a full workplace registration (Only 1 person at a time can use the registration; to a max. of 2 people per registration. For example, 1 person can attend the morning sessions, then the 2nd person can attend the afternoon session (eg. you each attend a half day) OR each person can attend a full day each (eg. 1 one Sun, 1 on Mon; 1 on Tues); and you share the name badge which is under the organisations name). Up to a max. of four full workplace registrations can be purchased per organisation. The Conference Dinner & printed program are not included in this registration fee. The name badges will be under the organisations name.
  • ^^Virtual Workplace Shared Registration - This provides the organisation with ONE login only. The registration is under the organisations name and up to a max. of two people at a time can be logged in OR you can watch this as a group in a room via a shared screen (we ask that you please keep the max. group size to 5 people when viewing as a group). A maximum of 4 workplace registrations apply per organisation. Please note: a certificate of attendance is not provided for this registration type. A record of the groups hours and sessions attended can be provided (if required) but it is up to the individual group members to keep track and manually record their hours.  If you are a presenting author or poster presenter this registration type is not suitable for you. Please register as a full virtual delegate.

Registration Entitlements

Full Registration

  • Conference Sessions
  • Exhibition
  • Tea Breaks & Lunches
  • Program Book (if required)
  • Conference App (includes program, abstracts, posters & sponsors)
  • Name Badge
  • Conference Gala Dinner
  • Welcome Reception
  • Poster Session
  • Access to virtual platform & on-demand content post conference (to 1 March 2025)

Full Workplace Shared 

  • Conference Sessions
  • Exhibition
  • Tea Breaks & Lunches
  • Conference App (includes program, abstracts, posters & sponsors)
  • Name Badge
  • Welcome Reception
  • Poster Session
  • Access to virtual platform &
    on-demand content post conference (to 1 March 2025)
Additional cost applies for the Conference Dinner.

Full Additional Sponsor/Exhibitor 

  • Conference Sessions
  • Exhibition
  • Tea Breaks & Lunches
  • Conference App (includes program, abstracts, posters & sponsors)
  • Name Badge
  • Welcome Reception
  • Poster Session
  • Access to virtual platform & on-demand content post conference (to 1 March 2025)
Additional costs applies for the Conference Dinner.

Day Registration

  • Conference Sessions on selected day/s
  • Exhibition on selected day/s
  • Tea Breaks & Lunches on selections day/s
  • Conference App (includes program, abstracts, posters & sponsors)
  • Name Badge
Additional costs apply to Day Registration for social functions and guest tickets.

Virtual Registration

Plenary sessions will be live streamed. Concurrent Sessions will be recorded and provided on-demand post conference (allow 2-3 weeks for editing an uploading).

  • Access to live streamed plenary sessions
  • Access to recorded concurrent sessions post conference (once uploaded/2-3 weeks post meeting).
  • Access to abstracts and speaker information
  • Access to Posters & Q&A function to discuss posters with presenters
  • Access to the virtual Trade Exhibition.
  • Access to on-demand content post conference, for viewing at your leisure (up to 1 March 2025).


Conference Secretariat

AACB Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 7336, Alexandria NSW 2015
P: (61) 2 9660 6600