Instructions for Chairs


Please use Google Chrome to access the platform. 

System Check:  

The OnAir Platform runs a number of programs in the background, to enable the streaming, networking, posters and exhibition to run. 

PROGRAMS USED: Vimeo, YouTube, Twilio and Vonage 

Please ensure you check that you can access these prior to the meeting. If joining from your office, we suggest informing your IT department so they can 'whitelist' these program that are used in the OnAir Platform, as they may need to unblock access so you can view content. 


Monitor: The platform can be viewed on a laptop, tablet or PC. (Note: the platform does not work on mobile phones). 

Audio: Use a quality microphone or headset if possible, preferably connected via USB to help prevent audio issues 

Internet: A hardwire connection to the Internet is preferable to wireless or Wi-Fi hotspots. or Wi-Fi hotspots.

Instructions for Chairs:


AACB Services Pty Ltd
Lisa King, Event Manager |   : 0408 904 524 |  : ;
Sharon Boynes, Events Officer |   : 0427 016 048 |  :