Submission Terms & Conditions, and Authorisations

Terms & Conditions

Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts must register to present their oral or poster at the AACB 60th ASC in Brisbane (and/or CMS Satellite Meeting if accepted). Full payment is required before the start of the conference / CMS Meeting.

If you have not registered and paid by 15 September 2023 your paper may be taken out of the program.

Authors must be registered and present at the ASC / CMS meeting to be included in the CBN supplement.

Posters must be displayed for the entire three days of the Conference. Poster presenters must be present at their poster on their designated day.

Authorisation & Publication of Abstracts

By submitting an abstract you are consenting to the publication of your abstract, if accepted, in the Conference App, and in the Clinical Biochemists Reviews (subject to CBR Editorial team approval).  

All submissions must complete the Copyright and Conflict of Interest section in the online submission form, as part of the submission process.

Assignment of Copyright

The Author(s) assign to the Association and its successors all rights, title and interest in the Abstract now or later protected (including by any renewal, extension or reversion of copyright) by Copyright Laws of Australia and New Zealand. If this Abstract is not published within twelve months from the date above, this Assignment is void.

If portions of this Abstract have been previously published, permission has been obtained for publication in the Clinical Biochemist Reviews and the Author(s) are submitting a copy of the permission release and copy for credit lines with this Abstract. The Association can edit, adapt or change this Abstract at its sole discretion.

The Association grants to Authors the royalty-free right to republish the Abstract in any book of which they are the Author or Editor, provided that any republication includes a clear written notice of the Association’s copyright. All rights assigned to the Association shall inure to the benefit of all persons, firms and corporations who acquire from the Association any right to distribute, transmit, exhibit or exploit the product to the Association and such product may be released under any company or trade name, brand, trademark or other designation desired by the Association. This assignment shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Western Australia

Declaration of Interest Definition:

A conflict of interest arises when speakers/authors have interests that are not fully apparent and that may influence their judgement in such a way that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the statements made are influenced by their own interests, and or that which, when revealed later, would make a reasonable reader/member of the audience feel misled or deceived. They may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. Financial interests may include employment, research funding and stock or share ownership, payment for lectures or travel, consultancies and company support of staff.

Policy of the AACB on Conflict of Interest:

All speakers/authors must disclose, on the disclosure of interest form, all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest including any affiliation with or financial involvement in, or payments or other assistance in kind from, any organisation with direct interest in the subject matter. The reason for requesting disclosure of possible conflict of interest is not to exclude speakers/authors, but to inform the audience/reader so they may decide for themselves whether or not a presentation/article may be biased.

Conference Secretariat

Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
PO Box 7336, Alexandria NSW 2015   P: (61) 2 9669 6600  E: