Invited Speakers

Mr Darren Allen
Senior Scientist, Analytical Chemistry Unit, Pathology Queensland Central Laboratory, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, QLD.

Prof Tony Badrick
CEO, RCPAQAP; Chair, Education and Laboratory Management Committee, APFCB; Chief Examiner, Faculty of Science, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, NSW.

Mr Matthew Burke
Supervising Scientist, Pathology Queensland, QLD.

A/Prof Cate Cameron
Principal Research Fellow, Jamieson Trauma Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology, QLD.

Mr Robert Flatman
Assistant Manager, Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, QLD.

Dr Melissa Gillett
Consultant Chemical Pathologist, PathWest Laboratory Medicine and Western Diagnostic Pathology Perth, WA.

A/Prof Paul Griffin
Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist; Director of Infectious Diseases, Mater Health Services, QLD.

A/Prof Linda Hueston
Principal Scientist, CIDMLS/ Serology, Westmead Laboratory (ICPMR), NSW Health Pathology, NSW.

Mr David Hughes
Scientist, AACB Fellow,

Prof Rita Horvath
Clinical Director, NSW Health Pathology, NSW.

Dr Tony Huynh
Paediatric Endocrinologist & Chemical Pathologist; Associate Professor, QUT, QLD.

Dr Katherine Isoardi
Senior Staff Specialist, Emergency Department and Clinical Toxicology Unit, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Metro South Health, QLD.

A/Prof Graham Jones
Staff Specialist, Chemical Pathology, SydPath, St Vincent's Pathology, NSW.

Dr Corey Markus
Research Officer, Flinders University, SA.

Dr Susan Matthews
Deputy Director,  ICPOCT; College of Medicine and Public Health Discipline Lead for POCT, SA.

Dr Arun Menon
Sexual Health Physician and Clinical Director, Townsville Sexual Health Service, QLD.

Prof Michael Milford
Deputy Director of the QUT Centre for Robotics; Professor at the Queensland University of Technology and Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow, QLD.

Dr Beverley Rowbotham
Chair, National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council; Associate Professor, The University of Queensland School of Medicine, QLD.

Prof Ken Sikaris
Medical Director, Melbourne Pathology; Chair of the RCPAQAP Key Incident Monitoring Program for Australasia, VIC.

Dr Andrew St John
Drajon Management

Prof Toby Walsh
Leading Researcher in Artifical Intelligence; Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence, UNSW and Data61, NSW.

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