2022 RCPA AACB Chemical Pathology Course

14-18 February 2022 | Virtual

2022 Chempath Course - Wrap Up

Thank you to all speakers and delegates for attending the virtual 2022 RCPA AACB Chemical Pathology Course which was held from the 14-18 February 2022. Over 200 attendees registered for the event!

A huge thank you to our speakers who enthusiastically contributed to the course, giving us their time and expertise, providing a great educational event for members, trainees and scientists.

Thank you also to our sponsors DiaSorin & Abbott for their support of this important event.

Registered delegates now have access to all recordings which are available on-demand, until 31 December 2022.  Both speakers and delegates can also continue to interact in the discussion forums until the portal closes.

Post meeting registration is available, giving you access to view all session, download course notes and enter questions in the discussion forum.  Click on 'registration' above to gain access today!

Thank you to our 2022 Sponsors for supporting continuing professional development.

The RCPA AACB Chemical Pathology Course is the region’s premier annual education meeting for:

Trainee chemical pathologists and scientists
Continuing education for chemical pathologists and scientists
Professional development for diagnostics support professionals

The 2022 RCPA AACB Chemical Pathology Course will be delivered virtually.

With the continued uncertainty about travel both within Australia and Internationally due to Covid-19, and current border restrictions around Australia, the decision was made to deliver the 2022 Chempath course virtually. 

We're looking forward to the day when we can all safely come together again, but until then, we hope you can join us virtually in February.

Course Format

The Course will be delivered via the EventsAir OnAir platform (used for the 2021 course and annual conference), providing a secure online environment for attendees.  The course will run over the traditional 5 days, Monday 14 to Friday 18  February, between 10am - 3.00pm AEDT. Sessions will include both live and pre-recorded presentations, with live discussion forums and Q&A. Delegates will also have access to recordings on-demand until the end of 2022. 

By registering you will:

  Access to live and pre-recorded presentations covering syllabus topics complementary to topics of previous years

  Listen to & connect with key experts in clinical biochemistry & laboratory medicine

  Take part in the daily interactive quiz covering topics of the day

  Meet the examiners and discuss the exam process

 Connect with delegates during the networking breaks and via the Meeting Hub

  Be able to take notes in the portal while you watch presentations - and export these directly to your email

  Access to download presentation slides (as course notes)

  Receive CPD points

  Access to recordings on-demand until the end of 2022


Course Secretariat, AACB Services

Lisa King, Event Manager |    : 0408 904 524 |  : lisa@aacb.asn.au
Sharon Boynes, Events Officer |    : 0427 016 048 |  : sharon@aacb.asn.au